Planning for Reductions in Force (2023)


This workshop is not open for registration.

Costs and times
SSC Clients: $315 per attendee
Non-clients: $630 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 12:00 PM
Danyel Conolley Associate Vice President
Suzanne Speck Consultant Emeritus
Sarah Niemann, EdD Director, Management Consulting Services

Layoff procedures for local educational agency (LEA) employees are complicated and restrictive, and the timelines prescribed by the statute do not align with the State Budget timelines. The passage of Assembly Bill 438, which applies the existing layoff protocols granted to certificated employees to classified employees, has intensified the already complex process, resulting in significant operational concerns related to an LEA’s ability to stay legally compliant while concurrently managing certificated and classified layoff processes with empathy and accuracy. This webinar is for the LEA practitioner and will focus on both certificated and classified layoff procedures, with an intensive procedural and operational focus.

Training content will assist human resources (HR) and business staff in pre-layoff planning and will provide technical advice for certificated and classified staffing reductions that start well in advance of the first statutory deadline of March 15 and long before you call in your labor attorney. In addition to statutory information, the topics covered will focus on best practices and sound methodologies for implementing precise and accurate layoff processes. The webinar will be full of resources, including, but not limited to, notice templates, sample bumping scenario worksheets, sample forms, communication documents, and planning checklists.

Webinar content is presented by School Services of California Inc. HR experts and is intended for practitioners who are directly involved in the planning, preparation, and implementation of reductions in force. The webinar will be followed by a one-hour roundtable that will allow participants to ask questions and interact with the presenters and one of the state’s leading labor attorneys.

Cancellation Policy

Round Table

Includes a round table discussion following the webinar from 1pm to 2pm

Webinar Topics

  • Preparing for reductions in force and the impacts of less staffing 
  • Reducing/eliminating positions funded with special funding sources
  • Understanding the fiscal implications of layoffs
  • Developing accurate seniority lists and bumping/displacement scenarios
  • Reducing particular kinds of service (certificated employees)
  • Eliminating or reducing classified positions in assigned time
  • Negotiating the impacts of layoffs
  • Preparing resolutions, skipping criteria, and bumping lists
  • Administrator and classified management reduction procedures
  • Notice requirements and methods of service
  • Seniority list management, hearing rights, and rehire rights
Location Details
SSC Clients: $315 per attendee
Non-clients: $630 per attendee
Program Begins: 9:00 AM
Program Ends: 12:00 PM

Thank you for your business. School Services of California Inc. has moved to credit card payments for this service. Please contact us by email at or by phone at (916) 446-7517 if this causes an undue hardship for your organization.