Special Education Fiscal Collaborative

The School Services of California Inc. Special Education Fiscal Collaborative (SPED Fiscal Collaborative) is an information-sharing and capacity-building resource focused on school finance and special education fiscal literacy. We invite local educational agency, county office of edu­cation, and Special Education Local Plan Area fiscal staff and leaders to join our team of experts for high-quality, timely, and relevant information and resource sharing related to special education fiscal planning, implementation monitoring, and alignment with mandated plans and reporting requirements for special education. 

The SPED Fiscal Collaborative will provide members with: 

  • Ten one-hour virtual webinars and/or tutorials each year
  • Access to special education finance experts through a cloud-based user group email platform
  • Networking opportunities with job-alike partners
  • A resource hub with tools to meet the unique fiscal need of those supporting special educa­tion programs
  • Interactive roundtables and small group engagements, support for maintenance of effort monitoring, and annual review of required end-of-year reporting processes

Download the SPED Fiscal Collaborative flyer for more information and/or complete the interest form by clicking on "Join the Collaborative" above and we will contact you with registration information in the coming weeks.


Questions regarding the Collaborative, please contact
Josh Forgia at


Note: The SPED Fiscal Collaborative is an annual subscription service. The term of this service is for the period of one year from registration. The subscription may be cancelled by either party on 30 days’ written notice.