Making Financial Decisions for Maximum Impact

Costs and times
SSC Clients: $325 per attendee
Registration: 8:00 AM
Program Begins: 8:30 AM
Program Ends: 5:00 PM
Linettte Hodson
Linette Hodson Director, Management Consulting Services
Dr. Merrill Grant CSBA Faculty

Strengthen your board’s understanding of its financial obligations.

Small school district boards have a unique perspective when it comes to setting budget priorities and making financial decisions. Join CSBA and School Services of California Inc. for a specially designed workshop to support small and rural districts in understanding the board’s role in aligning policies and administrative regulations, as well as approving required plans and applications.

The workshop will consider how to strategically access and maximize limited resources to best meet the needs of the students in a small school district. Accountability requirements of restricted programs, including federal and competitive grant opportunities, will be reviewed. Additionally, participants will explore strategies used successfully by some small school districts, such as multi-funded staff and pooling resources with other districts.

October 19, 2024
Camino Union Elementary School District

3060 Snows Road
Camino, CA 95709
Click to Register

November 2, 2024
Orchard School District

921 Fox Lane
San Jose, CA 95131
Click to Register

Thank you for your business. School Services of California Inc. has moved to credit card payments for this service. Please contact us by email at or by phone at (916) 446-7517 if this causes an undue hardship for your organization.