Happy Holidays from SSC

Volume 40
Community College Update
NO. 6
Public Education's Point of Reference for Making Educated Decisions

COVID-19 and School Agency Impact: An Editorial

To our educational partners around the state in school districts, charter schools, county offices of education, and community colleges, the School Services of California Inc. family thanks you for your professional and thoughtful response to COVID-19, the threat it presents to our public health, and your concern for the well-being of the students and staff in your care. We know that you have worked tirelessly to develop options for students that will both protect their health and promote educational opportunities when and wherever possible. The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t something any of you could have predicted or prepared for and your timely reactions to a crisis beyond your control are greatly appreciated. 

As we continue to navigate the unchartered course set before us, we commit to supporting you and your organizations by providing up-to-date information through the Fiscal Report and Community College Update as we receive it, including our recommendations on how to deal with some of the operational implications of school, program, or campus closures. We will work to respond to all of your questions via the Ask SSC portal, email, or phone as quickly as possible. On our website we have prepared a summary of state and federal resources addressing COVID-19 that can be accessed here. In the meantime, continue your good work and continue to take care of yourselves, your colleagues, your families, and those who are most vulnerable among us. Know that we are honored to serve you.