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Fiscal Report
Public Education's Point of Reference for Making Educated Decisions

Ask SSC . . . Has the Deadline for ESSER Funds Been Extended?

Q:     Has the deadline for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds been extended?

A:    The deadlines in place to obligate ESSER funds have not changed. Summarized in the table below are the various ESSER funds available and the corresponding resource codes and deadlines for obligation. In addition to these dates, local educational agencies (LEAs) have an additional 120 days to liquidate funds that have been timely obligated. 

Fund     Resource Code Deadline for Obligation
ESSER I 3210 September 30, 2022
ESSER II 3212 September 30, 2023
ESSER II—ELO* Grant 3216 September 30, 2023
ESSER III 3213 September 30, 2024
ESSER III—Learning Loss 3214 September 30, 2024
ESSER III—ELO Grant 3218 September 30, 2024
ESSER III—ELO Grant 3219 September 30, 2024
*Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO)

On May 13, 2022, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) issued a letter reiterating the expectation that LEAs spend, with urgency, the federal resources, including ESSER funds, that have been provided to aid in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, ED acknowledges that an LEA may have challenges with liquidating funds within the required timeline, and includes the following in the letter:

The Department has the authority to approve liquidation extension requests for properly obligated funds upon review of written requests made by the state educational agency (SEA). Should funds be properly and timely obligated…and liquidation becomes an issue closer to the obligation deadline, the Department has the authority to approve liquidation extension requests based upon the specific facts and circumstances of a given obligation and upon written request of an SEA grantee . . .

The term obligated is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, § 76.707, and a few common examples are included below:

Purpose     Obligation occurs when:
Acquisition of real or personal property A binding written agreement to acquire the property is executed
Personal services—internal employee The services are performed
Personal services—contractor A binding written agreement to obtain the services is executed
Rental of real or personal property The property is used

While this opportunity for an extension may provide relief for some, it is important to note that ED has not authorized a blanket extension for the use of ESSER funds. The correspondence indicates that extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis upon request by an LEA, and only for expenditures that were properly obligated in accordance with the deadlines summarized in the table above. Furthermore, ED has not yet established the process for requesting an extension to the liquidation period.

For these reasons, LEAs should continue to plan to obligate, and liquidate, all ESSER funds in accordance with the existing deadlines. Penalties for failure to comply with these requirements could be devastating for LEAs, particularly because of the volume of ESSER funds that LEAs have received.