Happy Holidays from SSC

Fiscal Report
Public Education's Point of Reference for Making Educated Decisions

Critical Deadlines—Extended

At School Services of California Inc. we are in awe of the flexibility and adaptability exhibited by school leaders and school employees across the state in response to the novel COVID-19 pandemic. One of our guiding principles is to compile and distill information in a manner that is easy to read, and also relevant for our current times. One of the means for accomplishing this task is through our biweekly publication in our Critical Deadlines and

Funding Opportunities article that lists upcoming deadlines for financial reporting and also application deadlines for funding opportunities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be adding a new (hopefully temporary) section to the biweekly publication that lists all the pertinent deadlines that have been extended. The list is intended to cover major items that are applicable to the preponderance of local educational agencies (LEAs), but if we have omitted an extended critical deadline we would love to hear your feedback.

Rather than wait for our next biweekly article, we are including those critical deadlines that have been extended in the following table. Future updates will be included in our biweekly article.

 Extended Deadlines
Description Statutory Deadline Extended Deadline Additional Information
Second Principal Apportionment (P-2) Reporting Period All school months that end on or before April 15 All school months that end on or before February 29 https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/covidfaqs.asp
P-Annual Reporting Period All school months that end on or before June 30 All school months that end on or before February 29 https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/covidfaqs.asp
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Fall 2 Submission March 20, 2020 April 24, 2020 https://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/fall2update20200318.asp
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Identified Student Percentage Calculation April 1, 2020 Any date between April 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/covid-19-cep-deadlines-waiver
Perkins Application May 1, 2020 May 15, 2020 https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/pk/timeline.asp
Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) April 1, 2020 June 1, 2020 http://www.fppc.ca.gov/media/press-releases/2020-news-releases/press-release-extend-form700.html
Career Technical Education (CTE) Facilities Program  December 2, 2019 June 30, 2020 https://mailchi.mp/7b6a9665b76d/march-25-2020-state-allocation-board-emergency-meeting-regulatory-item-595737?e=a9e5f14bbe
School Facility Program Priority Funding Round June 11, 2020 August 28, 2020 https://mailchi.mp/dgs/march-25-2020-state-allocation-board-emergency-meeting-regulatory-item-595745?e=a9e5f14bbe
Election to participate in CEP in 2020–21 June 30, 2020 August 31, 2020 https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/covid-19-cep-deadlines-waiver
CTE Follow-up Data Survey The deadline is yet to be determined The deadline has been extended and will follow the CALPADS Fall 2 Submission deadline