Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 10:30 AM

Conquering Budgets: Tips and Tricks for Success in School Finance
With the economy coming to a near standstill, the full implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula, and continuing changes in how we manage funding streams, grappling with school district and charter school budgets is more challenging than ever for business administrators, site administrators, department heads, and the entire management team.
This workshop is a “must” for those who face the task of building, analyzing, and monitoring the school district or charter school budget as well as those being prepared for such positions.
- Development of the multiyear projection
- Summary of federal funds arising from COVID-19
- Linking budget items to Local Control and Accountability Plan and Learning Continuity Plan services and actions
- Best practices for budget planning throughout the local agency budget, including:
- Enrollment and average daily attendance, including hold harmless for 2020-21
- Staffing and salaries
- Health and welfare benefits
- Pension benefits and contribution rate increases
- Use of base grants and supplemental/concentration grants, including meeting the minimum proportionality percentage
- Routine Restricted Maintenance Account contributions
- Determining the adequacy of reserves
- Considering the impact of other funds on the General Fund
- Communicating to the board and other stakeholders about the changes to education funding and the impact on your local agency's budget
Dates and Times:
Part 1: September 22, 2020 - 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Part 2: September 24, 2020 - 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Fee Includes Both Webinars
This workshop will be most beneficial for anyone involved in school finance, including but not limited to program administrators, department heads, clerical and administrative support, fiscal services staff, budget managers, assistant superintendents, and school district auditors.
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 10:30 AM