Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM

To be eligible to receive federal special education revenue, each local educational agency (LEA) must meet requirements regarding maintaining state and local expenditures to support programs for students with disabilities, which is referred to as special education maintenance of effort (SEMOE). LEAs must carefully monitor expenditures for base educational programs and special education services to ensure sustainable and fiscally responsible programming aligned to annual revenues. Budget development and planning requires collaborative problem-solving between special education and the business office, as well as coordination with human resources, to ensure appropriate staffing and services are available to increase student engagement, attendance, and improve student outcomes.
As LEAs focus on inclusive practices, equity considerations, and creating alignment between general and special education programs and compliance, regular monitoring of the SEMOE obligation is critically important. Statewide trends of declining enrollment continue, paired with increasing referrals to special education and growing intensity of needs, which increases the costs of operations and requires regular monitoring the federal SEMOE obligation. Balancing the need for fiscal sustainability and responsibility with federal SEMOE expenditure requirements requires partners to plan, monitor expenditures, and take advantage of allowable exemptions to the SEMOE obligation via the end-of-year process.
This webinar will provide an overview of SEMOE requirements, the implications of state, local, and federal revenue and expenditures on SEMOE, and available strategies for monitoring and managing SEMOE growth where allowable. LEA and Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) teams will leave with the knowledge and tools to help with local discussions about documentation, strategy, and actions to maximize fiscal options regarding SEMOE obligations throughout the year. Attendees will receive tips and tools to assist them with strategy and actions to maximize fiscal options related to SEMOE.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is for SELPA leaders, fiscal staff supporting SELPA and LEA special education, LEA special education directors, and county office fiscal staff. Teams are encouraged to attend.
Webinar Topics
- Overview of SEMOE
- Federal requirements and definitions
- State and local revenues and expenditure coding
- Tools for monitoring and managing SEMOE
- Allowable exemptions and required documentation
- SEMOE forms and annual reporting via the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Web
- Considerations for indirect costs and Program Cost Resource Allocation charges
- Local decisions that impact SEMOE
- SELPA opportunities to support SEMOE monitoring and maintenance
- Setting a schedule for local collaboration and communication
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM