Non-clients: $460 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM
This year is like no other, impacting every aspect of our lives and the lives of students and families across our state and the nation—the pandemic, the economy, state revenues for education, COVID-19 prevention plans, and learning loss mitigation plans, just to name a few. While the May Revision is a statutorily required action by the Administration every year, this year it is an opportunity for Governor Gavin Newsom to recast his January State Budget proposals and present new proposals in view of a revised revenue outlook, legislative budget hearings, and stakeholder feedback. The May Revision Workshop will incorporate the results of revised revenue estimates, revise the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provisions for 2021–22 and the out-year estimates for LCFF funding for multiyear projections, provide the latest on funding and policy proposals outside the LCFF, and incorporate any revisions to the accountability system.
In this unprecedented public health crisis, 2021–22 is expected to be another very challenging year for school administration and finance staff. The online delivery of this workshop will allow us to continue to provide you with the information needed to close the books for 2020–21 and inform the development of local educational agency budgets for 2021–22.
There is no question that this workshop will be invaluable to you, and it is cosponsored by the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT). The content will be delivered live via webinar and will be recorded so that you can access the content at a convenient time. Attendees will be able to submit questions throughout the workshop to be answered live at the end of the event.
Two Events for the Price of One!
Our annual School Finance and Management Conference held in July each year is designed to provide you with our analysis and advice related to that year’s final State Budget Act. Again, acknowledging the challenges of these unprecedented times, we will also be delivering the conference as a webinar in July and we are bundling it into your registration fee for the May Revision Workshop—you receive two events for the price of one!
We recommend attendance by board members, superintendents, chief business officials, school site administrators, school business professionals, and representatives of employee organizations, as well as human resources, education, and other local school agency policy makers.
- A revised School Services of California Inc. Financial Projection Dartboard
- Updated per-pupil revenue amounts
- Planning factors for the out years of the multiyear projection
- Implications of COVID-19 on school agency budgets and operations
- Explanation of any one-time resources, such as state or federal funds to mitigate learning loss
- Operational guidance for new revenues, new regulations, increasing expenditure obligations, and opening schools for the 2021–22 school year
- Other challenges and opportunities for local school agency leaders
- Issues to consider when closing the books for 2020–21
- Discussion and analysis of major education policy issues, including updates on the Local Control and Accountability Plan
Non-clients: $460 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM