Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM

To provide high-quality, compliant special education programs that support the needs of students with disabilities (SWDs), General Fund contributions towards special education programmatic costs in personnel, service delivery, and administrative support are required. Local educational agencies (LEAs) have been fortunate to receive increased state funding for special education programs over the past six years. For the 2025-26 school year, LEAs across the state are finding the revenues available to cover the costs of operating base educational programs and special education supplemental services are tightening, influenced by challenges with staffing and service provision, declining enrollment, and growing special education student populations. Building sustainable special education programs may require tough choices in the face of shrinking increases in special education funding. Continuing compliance monitoring, demands for compensatory education, learning recovery needs, and systemic staffing shortages may make it challenging to operate legally defensible programs that effectively maximize personnel and fiscal resources to ensure equity and access for SWDs. It is critical for special education leaders and fiscal colleagues to plan and implement special education programs focused on student needs in alignment with the initiatives and accountability plans of the district. As districts implement Local Control and Accountability Plans that focus on tiered systems of support and targeted instructional and behavioral practices, the most cost-effective interventions may reside in the general education and special education partnership to ensure students remain in the least restrictive environment and all students receive supplemental supports in literacy, social-emotional, and behavioral areas. In times of tight resources and systemic staff shortages, collaborative local decision-making about how to align actions and prioritize decision-making for improved student outcomes will be crucial. This webinar will provide participants with up-to-date information on funding changes, tools for effective program management aligned with fiscal responsibility, and tips on ways to ensure equity, promote inclusive practices, and improve outcomes for SWDs.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is a must for staff responsible for effectively managing, funding, and monitoring special education programs, as well as principals and instructional leaders working to successfully implement a meaningful Multi-Tiered System of Supports and improve outcomes for every student.
Webinar Topics
- Legislative updates and hot topics
- Alignment of compliance monitoring and LEA-mandated accountability plans
- Changing special education funding methodologies
- Special education funding sources and uses
- Management of the special education maintenance of effort requirement
- Special education cost drivers and strategies for ensuring quality programs, retention of staff, and defensible student services
- Equity, inclusive practices, and high standards for student outcomes
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 12:00 PM