Volume 14 No. 26
By the Way . . . Teacher Union Opposes Transportation Initiative
By the Way . . . College Officials Are Wary on Visa Enforcement—10 Arrested in San Diego
New Labor Laws
CPEC Reports on Higher Education Facility Needs
The Time Has Come to Modify the Fifty Percent Law
Legislative Analyst’s Office—Addressing the State’s Fiscal Problem
By the Way . . . IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increases to $0.365 on January 1, 2002
Ask SSC . . . Under GASB 34, What Happens to Fund Accounting?
Ask SSC . . . Are Districts Required to Contribute to STRS for Some Part-Time Faculty?
Health and Dental Insurance Premiums to Increase in 2002-03
Computation of Certificated Step and Column Costs