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CADIE - Comparative Analysis of District Income and Expenditures, 2023-24 Fiscal Year

Since 1983, School Services of California Inc. (SSC) has captured and analyzed school district actual revenues and expenses. Utilizing this large accumulation of data provided in the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) format, our Comparative Analysis of District Income and Expenditures (CADIE) report compares your district’s revenues and expenditures to those of up to 40 other districts that you select from throughout the state—about 130 pages of in-depth information for your evaluation. Our report uses actual revenue and expenditure data and reflects expenditures in graphic and tabular form with calculations expressed on a per average daily attendance (ADA) and percentage basis. The 2023-24 data, which is the latest available statewide, is especially helpful in budget priority analyses, community or board explanations, and as a preparation tool for collective bargaining.

The report includes comparative graphic data expenditures by ADA, tabular information showing per-ADA and percentage distribution of district revenues and expenditures, staffing levels for certificated and classified nonmanagement and administrative personnel, and tables that show—on a per-ADA and percentage basis—how a district spent its dollars for the prior three years. A comparative analysis of special education and other programs is included, as well as a focus on reserve levels and related trends. The report is comprehensive, yet easy to use.

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SABRE - Salary And Benefits REport, 2023-24 Salary Year

For many years, School Services of California Inc. (SSC) has had the opportunity to capture and analyze the Form J-90 Teacher Salary and Benefits Schedule from school districts in California. From this large accumulation of data, we are able to compile a comprehensive analysis of the salaries and benefits of certificated nonmanagement employees and how they compare to selected districts, regions, and the entire state.

The SABRE provides up to 38 side-by-side comparisons of your school district with up to 20 other districts per report on certificated salaries, health and welfare benefits, and working days. These comparative districts are entirely user selected and may be geographical, of like type and size, of similar funding levels, or a combination of all of these. The report consists of five valuable types of displays. Each report includes:

  • Ten graphical displays and 27 comparison tables with side-by-side analysis

  • All district teacher salary schedules, health and benefit schedules, and other selected data important for compensation evaluation in an easy-to-read common format

The entire report is an essential resource for school district administrators, especially for those at the negotiating table or in the human resources or fiscal departments.

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