Charter Schools

  1. Flexibility to Serve Free Meals Extended through End of School Year

    On October 9, 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that flexibilities to allow free meals to be served to all kids are
  2. By the Way . . . CDE provides FAQs for 2020–21 Growth Funding

    On October 6, 2020, the California Department of Education (CDE) published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for local educational
  3. LCFF Supplemental and Concentration Bill Clears Policy Committee

    In its only scheduled committee hearing to consider Assembly K–12 education bills for the year (see “ Assembly Returns with Abbreviated
  4. COVID-19 Operations Written Report Template Released

    Today, May 5, 2020, the California Department of Education released the template of the COVID-19 Operations Written Report (Report) that