Happy Holidays from SSC


  1. Schedule Released for CARES Expenditure Reporting

    The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the full reporting schedule for recipients of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic
  2. By the Way . . . CDE Posts First Round of FAQs for Distance Learning

    As local educational agencies (LEA) grapple with ways to safely deliver educational programs to their students this school year while
  3. Attendance Reporting Requirement Extension for Child Development Program Providers

    Senate Bill (SB) 117, addressed a number of educational issues and programs impacted by COVID-19 (See “ Legislature Passes Emergency
  4. Modifications to Meal Service Post Closure

    While districts across the state are grappling with the difficulty of meeting the needs of diverse student populations through the
  5. CDE and CHHS Issue Guidance on Child Development Programs

    In the eagerly anticipated joint guidance issued by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Health and Human
  6. By the Way . . . CDE Provides Considerations for Temporary School Closures

    On October 14, 2019, the California Department of Education (CDE) posted factors that, in addition to other relevant local conditions and